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A Safer Nevada PAC at a Glance

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First West Wendover Campaign Ad #2024elections #sexwork #vegas #brothel #westwendover

A Safer Nevada
First West Wendover Campaign Ad #2024elections #sexwork #vegas #brothel #westwendover
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First West Wendover Campaign Ad #2024elections #sexwork #vegas #brothel #westwendover

First West Wendover Campaign Ad #2024elections #sexwork #vegas #brothel #westwendover

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06-08-2023 News Clip on A Safer Nevada’s Efforts — Channel 8 News Vegas #vegas #vegasnews #brothel

06-08-2023 News Clip on A Safer Nevada’s Efforts — Channel 8 News Vegas #vegas #vegasnews #brothel

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A Safer Nevada PAC (Political Action Committee) is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State and is legally allowed to collect donations and to campaign. ASN PAC's EIN number is 87-1306979 and is a tax-exempt organization, per IRC § 527(a).


Nevada is the only state in the USA to have legal prostitution in the form of licensed brothels. A Safer Nevada (ASN) advocates for the expansion of legal brothels across all of Nevada. By 2030, ASN's goal is that Nevada, as a state, will vote to legalize brothel prostitution.

This PAC has several goals: changing existing law through ballot measures, passing new laws through ballot measures, lobbying local city halls, county boards and state legislators.

You can help us reach our goal by supporting us here.


About US

A Safer Nevada is a registered political action committee located in Las Vegas, NV.

Nevada is the only state in the USA to allow prostitution, however, prostitution is only legal in rural counties. We advocate for the expansion of legal brothels in all of Nevada. From 2024 to 2028, we will be running ballot measures to legalize prostitution in every county in Nevada.


Click here to read more about us.


And if you can, please donate.  

“The evidence from Nevada suggests regulatory schemes would better protect the health and safety of both prostitutes and their customers.”

Paul R. Abramson, PhD, Professor of Psychology at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), quote from his 2003 book, "Sexual Rights in America: The Ninth Amendment and the Pursuit of Happiness."

Contact A Safer Nevada

1155 E Twain Ave, Suite 108420, Las Vegas NV 89169

Las Vegas

As a reminder: if you support what we do, please make a donation.

©2023 by A Safer Nevada.

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